Saturday, May 17, 2014

Our all time favorite!! The Yak Opera

This one was hilarious. I pieced together several videos I had so you could get an idea of this. We were sitting on the front row on this side so when the yak was near us it was only 6 inches from our feet. I thought at first the kids, especially Abby would be scared, but they loved it.

There were two men in side the yak costume. At one point the people behind us were telling Paul it was real then at that exact moment everything everywhere got real quiet and Paul said, "No it's people," everyone started laughing at him. It was so funny. See if you can hear it in the video.

First there is a husband and wife, then enters crazy yak herder, then of course the yak. The video is right at 4 minutes, near the end the yak does something really funny, so keep watching--it's worth it.

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