Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Helping People

I talked to Luke yesterday. I actually got to Skype him for about a half hour. He is really exhausted. He's been working from sun up to 10 or 11 at night. Please pray for him that he will get the rest he needs so he can do the work he needs to do.

Here is Luke with two little boys and Flat Stanley (from a 1st grade class in America). He bought them some new shoes, some candy, and a face mask. Pray for Kushal and Vishal. They are staying at our house right now with their mom and the others from our church and 2 other friends.

 These 2 men are from a Hyolmo Tibetan remote village. There are only 4 houses left in their village. Luke was able to give them some tarps to bring back to the village. One of these men lost their wife just a few days ago. Please pray for them and their village. Before leaving Luke was able to give them a Tibetan gospel tract.

Here are a few of the people staying at our house headquarters right now. Please pray for them as the days are long and piling up.


  1. glad to know you are safe in the states !!!!

  2. how are things going at the moment ?


  3. Very fun. I would like to experience this experience. I hope so. I will make my parents happy.

